Top Tips To Eliminate Black Spots - Maswayo

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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Top Tips To Eliminate Black Spots

Top Tips To
Eliminate Black

Removing the black spots appear
to be more difficult when one
wants to maintain healthy skin.
There is no easy way to get rid of
these pesky matters. However
there are several ways to prevent
and eliminate hot spots when

What is a black spot?

Black spots are open clogged

What is the cause of black

A black spot is caused by excess
fat that has obstructed a pore.
This obstruction occurs when the
natural fat of the skin can not flow
to the surface as the pore is
blocked by dead cells that block
the road. When the pore is open,
the oil is exposed to oxygen,
which reacts and turns it into a
dark black spot. Hormones are
the main cause of increased
production of fat. An increase in
male hormones like androgens
can increase the natural
production of oil in the skin which
often results in the emergence of
black spots. The second most
important cause is the use of
products for skin care and
makeup. These products are
mixed with the natural fat of the
skin and can clog the pores. Its
appearance is exacerbated when
the two previous points are

How to prevent the emergence
of black spots?

There are many things you can
do to prevent their appearance on
your face. The majority includes
cleaning and some require the
use of medicines.

1: Avoid using strong-greasy,
creamy or thick. Only this will
reduce the occurrence known.

2: Use a mild anti-acne and
soluble in water.

3: Use of bar soap should be
avoided. The ingredients of the
bar soap can block pores. If you
have dry skin use a cleanser that
contains a bit of moisturizer, but
be careful because over-wetting
can increase the skin's gratitude.

4: Exfoliate to remove dead skin
cells. If there are no cells that
block pores, the oil can flow

5: Absorbs excess grasitud. If
you have oily skin, try using a
clay mask that does not contain
mint or any other product

6: Visit your dermatologist-
Retinoid (a form of vitamin A) can
help regulate the pore shape
which will allow oil to flow as
usual. Check with your

7: Other medications. Blockers
and hormone pills anti concepts
of low doses can decrease the
level of androgen (male
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