Finding True Love – It’s Easier Than You Think - Maswayo

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Friday, July 23, 2010

Finding True Love – It’s Easier Than You Think

Finding True Love – It’s Easier Than You Think

By Felix Lehmann

Are you one of the few people who believes in happily ever
after or do you belong to the growing majority of people who
believe that love is just not designed to last for long?

You will be forgiven for being cynical about love, given that
almost half of all marriages end in divorce these days. Love
seems to have a very short expiry period, and increasing numbers
of people are giving up on it entirely. The irony is that, this
is the very attitude that is causing the problem in the first

It is certainly possible to find true love, and therefore have
a lasting relationship, but one has to be willing to put some
effort into it. We have become a culture that wants instant
gratification and that believes in discarding something if it
does not work. This is the root cause of the problems that
plague our love life.

Finding true love will require you to look at things from a
different perspective. You will also have to start doing things
differently. How many times have you come across friends who
have a series of flings and one night stands and then wonder why
they can’t find a partner for keeps? You will notice that the
fundamental problem here is that people are in such a hurry for
sexual gratification that they don’t bother with certain
niceties such as getting to know the other person better.

If you want to find lasting love, you have to first be honest
with yourself. You have to examine your motives for getting into
relationships. If you get into a relationship with someone on
the basis of their appearance, wealth or status, then you can be
assured that your relationship will flounder at the very first
sign of trouble.

Another problem is the speed with which people get into
physical relationships. If you were to do this, you will not
have enough time and space in order to make a proper decision.
One could definitely learn a thing or two from people of
previous generations, who enjoyed long lives with their partners
without giving up on their marriages for flimsy reasons.

If you want to find true and lasting love, then you should be
prepared to give it in return. Take the time out to select your
partner carefully and never be indiscriminate with giving your
affections to others. This will only reduce the value of it in
your eyes and in theirs. Don’t look for love in the wrong
places, such as in someone else’s marriage. Always try to be
friends with the other person first before you jump into bed
with them.

Even if your relationship with someone does begin with a night
of passion, you can ensure that it lasts by treating yourself
and your partner with a great deal of respect. Never allow
yourself to be taken for granted, and you will be respected and
appreciated by the other person. True love can definitely spring
out of this.

About the Author: I am basically a graduate at the University
of Hamburg and I work at


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