3 Quick & Easy Ways To Get More Traffic ToYour Site From Youtube - Maswayo

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Saturday, July 24, 2010

3 Quick & Easy Ways To Get More Traffic ToYour Site From Youtube

3 Quick & Easy Ways To Get More Traffic To Your Site From Youtube
(Mon Jul 19th, 2010, by Adrian Hargray)

Youtube is definitely a social networking website. It gets millions of visitors each month looking for
videos on topics that interest them the most. But even though Youtube is a social website, that doesn't
mean you can market your business on Youtube successfully.

In fact, alot of online business owners are using Youtube to promote their business successfully
and get tons of new visitors to their website - and you could be one of them. The trick to use a few little-known marketing techniques that have been proven time and time again to get traffic from Youtube, and I will share some of them in this article for you. The fact is, it doesn't matter if you're a lawyer or doctor, or simply an online merchant selling sandals - you can still market your website via Youtube. Here are 3 ways to market your business whether it's online or offline - via Youtube:

1) Submit your videos to Youtube Sounds easy right? 
Duh. I wonder why so many business owners aren't actually doing it. The fact is, by simply uploading your videos to Youtube you will get traffic from them. Many business owners are perplexed when it comes to social marketing, so they opt for the choice of not doing anything - which is a terrible mistake. And if you have no idea of how to make a video for uploading to Youtube, then I have a special treat for you. There's a great software on the internet that is free that you can use to create your Youtube videos. It's called "Camstudio", and it's a great free tool for making 2-5 minute long videos in a snap. When creating your video, you will want to write an interesting title for it. Write it for the user, not the search engines. You can't trick the search engines, you can only trick yourself. The search engines will pick your video up after it's popularity has grown and other people are linking to it voluntary. And if people are doing this, then that means your video is amazing - and this is what you are looking for. In your video, you will want to show people how to do something, or you will want to share tips on a particular topic. There's nothing wrong with sitting in front of a camera and speaking. It's normal, and Youtube users have grown to accept it, and you should too. You will also want to include relevant keywords or "tags" so that users can find your videos also. Here's another great way to market your business or website on Youtube:

2) Include your URL on all your videos
It's one thing to upload videos to Youtube for fun, but it's another thing to upload videos to Youtube
for business purposes and not to leave your website information somewhere.
When marketing on Youtube, you will want to include your contact information on all of your videos.
This is how you will get traffic to your website, aside from your website information showing in
your profile. Believe it or not, users will actually type your URL into their browser to
learn more, and when they do so, you want to be there to sell them on your products and services.
Don't ever leave this crucial piece of information out. Without it, you're efforts are doomed from the start. Here's the last way to get traffic to your website via Youtube.

3) Inspire viewers to subscribe to your Youtube channel
With this technique, you can get repeat traffic to your new and latest Youtube videos, which will in turn be repeat traffic to your website site. This technique is similar to inspire visitors to subscribe to your email newsletter so that you can follow-up on them with great tips and advice.

When users subscribe to your Youtube channel, they get updates whenever you create a new video.
So with a large fan base, your Youtube videos will become immensely popular - due to the
number of visitors that constantly viewing your videos. And when your videos become popular - their
Youtube search engine rankings increase, and this means more traffic for you. A great way to spire people to subscribe to your Youtube channel is to simply briefly mention it at the
beginning and end of your video. If users find your information worthwhile, they will subscribe to you. Simple as that.
Take these 3 tips for getting more traffic to your website using Youtube and watch your traffic
count skyrocket. These techniques work if you use them, so start using them right now.

About the Author:
Learn youtube traffic secrets you can use to earn money from Youtube simply and easily. To learn
more, visit the following website for more details: http://www.instant-downloadz.com/


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Astrid ananda said...

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