There are many benefits of operating a business blog and updating it with quality content on a regular basis. Writing, publishing, and sharing blog post content is a great way to share expertise and insights about the industry in addition to sharing company updates and news. Over time, a blog can become a sort of community and can help a business establish and maintain relationships with target audience members and other stakeholders. These benefits should be enough to convince a business to operate a blog, but from our perspective what’s equally as important are the SEO reasons to have a business blog:

Every single page of content that’s on a website is another opportunity to rank for targeted keywords, and that includes blog posts. If you have an SEO-focused blogging strategy, you’ll be naturally targeting keywords that target audience members are searching for. More specifically, blog posts provide a great opportunity to target long-tail keywords or conversational keywords, like questions. Spend some time brainstorming questions that people are searching for (whether they’re typing in the question or using voice search). Every question can essentially be the title of the blog post and then the purpose of the post is to answer that question. If your content is great and you answer the question well, you can rank for that question and drive traffic to your blog and website.

Along with having great, optimized content, the number of inbound links pointing to a website is also a top search engine ranking factor. Link building has shifted to “link earning” or naturally earning inbound links by creating great content that other website owners will want to link to. If you take the time to write great content that includes some new research or information or a different way of showcasing data (such as an infographic), it’s a great way to be cited as an online resource and earn an inbound link from relevant sources across the web.

Along with having great, optimized content, the number of inbound links pointing to a website is also a top search engine ranking factor. Link building has shifted to “link earning” or naturally earning inbound links by creating great content that other website owners will want to link to. If you take the time to write great content that includes some new research or information or a different way of showcasing data (such as an infographic), it’s a great way to be cited as an online resource and earn an inbound link from relevant sources across the web.
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