Points to be kept in mind before entering a college - Maswayo

Bright Humor, Info and Tips

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Points to be kept in mind before entering a college

Points to be kept in
mind before
entering a college

Going to college, and enjoying the
college life is the dream of every
student. Students, from the very
beginning of their senior
secondary schools, start
dreaming about their college life.
Name of the college, nature of
course, future goals are few
thing, which a student decides
from the point, where he chooses
his senior secondary subjects.
The expectations and the dreams
related to college start building up
from there only. The choice of the
college and the course, should be
the result of a well- thought
discussion and taken as a result of
proper research. The colleges in
India provide a number of
courses in various disciplines,
giving students ample number of
choices to choose an education
field as their career. These days,
parents even do not interfere in
the children's decision related to
studies; they always support the
choice of their children with
respect to college and course for
his career.
To let each and every student take
education in the field of their
choice, and the limitation of seats
in the government colleges,
there are also many private
colleges in India, which have
opened up, to cater the
educational need of the students.
The pattern and syllabus for
respective courses in the private
and government colleges in India
remain same, with slight
differences, depending upon the
standards and the facilities
provided by the colleges to the
students. Other than the course
and the college name, a student
needs to keep a number of things
in mind, before entering his
dream college. Following is a list
of points, which students should
take notice of, for a smooth flow
of his college life, are:
Be polite and humble: By being
rude or harsh, a student will only
create negativity around him,
which can hamper his career
growth. Therefore, a student
from the very day of his college,
need to be warm and polite to his
class mates and teachers.
Showing unnecessary attitude will
land him nowhere; in fact it will
develop a bad name for him in
the college.
Don't show off: Students in the
colleges of India, come from all
strata of the society, some might
be rich, some poor. Money
should not be a source to attract
people towards you. One should
use his knowledge to impress
others and make friends.
Knowledge is something, which
is going to stay with the student
forever, whereas, money is
Should respect teachers and
colleagues: Give respect and take
respect, is the mantra, a student
need to follow, where ever he
goes, its not only about his
college life, but in every phase of
life. College is the time, when one
gets to develop his social circle,
which helps and supports him
throughout his life. friends made
in the school and college time,
tend to support the person, all
round the life circle.
Dress well: It's not necessary that
one follows all the latest trends in
terms of the clothing style. But
the students while dressing for
his college, should not be
shabbily dressed and should
wear clothes, which suit his
personality, and which he is able
to carry well. A student should
not wear clothes, in which he
feels uncomfortable. Clothes are
an important part of the
personality, so they should be a
direct reflection of the student's
mindset and personality.
So, by keeping these points in
mind, a student can easily clear
his initial stages of college life.
Some colleges in India have dress
code, which in a way solves the
dressing problem of the students.
The atmosphere of the college
also depends on the courses and
the education imparted in the
college. The student should try
and change himself, in
accordance to the demand of the
situation, because there is only
thing constant in life, which is the
reason for successes also, i.e.

About the Author
Gurleen Kaur writes on behalf of
Shiksha.com. Shiksha is a portal
that connects education seeker
with education provider. Shiksha
provides information about MBA
Colleges and IT Colleges
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